Too often people limit the idea of God’s grace to simply forgiveness. But God’s grace is much more than forgiveness. God’s grace gives you a new status with God and the power to change your life.
Read MoreCancer can rob you of everything: strength, joy, relationships, life. Some people respond by curling up and waiting for the end. But this is the story of someone who saw her cancer as a gift to inspire many. Death is a gateway, not a wall.
Read MoreThe word, “obedience” triggers an adverse reaction for many reasons, one of them being the thought of spiritual abuse. But could it be that obedience to Jesus should trigger joy?
Read MoreThe early church was serious about obeying Jesus’ teachings on issues of character and service. But through the years, obeying Jesus has fallen by the wayside. What can we do to change that?
Read MoreThe church is losing credibility. So, is it worth your time to attend? In this post I look at what kind of church is worth attending and the kind of church that is toxic.
Read MoreHow you react to being offended can either reveal that God is real in your life or not. This post was inspired by Andy Stanley’s message: Reaction Speak Louder Than Words.
Read MoreThe polarization in our country is reaching a fevor pitch. But sadly, this division has spilled into the church. Is there a way for us to find middle ground or is it lost forever? What does it look like to be a peacemaker in a divisive world?
Read MoreAre you easily offended? We live in an age of outrage. But is that the person you want to be? This is the third post in a three part series on setting boundaries in your life.
Read MoreSome people are easily offended. Maybe that’s you. Henri Nouwen speaks to this condition and points to a better way.
Read MoreOutrage and offenses seem to be embedded into our culture today. But could our ease of being offended be more about us than our offender? Learn how shame plays a role in being offended and what you can do about it.
Read MoreSusan Cain’s new book, Bittersweet, looks at the longing that we have in moments of beauty and even sadness. C.S. Lewis said this longing points us to God but Susan isn’t so sure. This post reflects on agnosticism and the love of not knowing.
Read MoreIn our ever evolving culture the issues we face are becoming more and more complex. With that complexity has come a deepening polarization. How do we keep from destroying our relationships? Empathy can go a long way in dialing down the rhetoric.
Read MoreA victim mentality is when you feel helpless to make changes because you feel stuck in your situation. But you might not be as stuck as you think you are.
Read MoreShould a wife submit to her husband? The Bible says so, but some people weaponize the Bible against women. So, how do we make sense of the Bible? Maybe we are asking the wrong question.
Read MoreHow do you create a culture that attracts people to your church? This post explores the “secret sauce” that makes people want to return.
Read MoreResponsible people are high achievers. They can move mountains. But they need to give themselves permission to rest in God’s love and acceptance.
Read MoreDoors protect us from feeling vulnerable. But they also can keep people from experiencing all that we have to offer. A little insight from my recent travels to Mexico City.
Read MoreI have rarely told the story of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. That confuses some but it’s very intentional on my part. The resurrection of Jesus isn’t meant to be a nice story. It’s meant to change your life.
Read MoreWe need a theology of suffering, that is, a view of God and suffering. Our misundertanding of God and suffering leads us to unhealthy places. But Jesus’ ministry helps us understand God’s view of suffering.
Read MoreOur tendency is to fix, to cure, to solve. But often our first step should be to care. This is my reflection on a quote by Henry Nouwen on caring vs. caring.
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