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The church is supposed to be a blessing to the world. A pastor should be the greatest champion of grace and truth. There is nothing more perverse and distorted than a toxic pastor. Learn how to confront an abusive pastor.
Many people struggle with feelings of anger even after they believe they have forgiven their offender. Can anger and forgiveness coexist? This article takes a look at this important question.
Brene Brown has become successful talking about something that no one wants to talk about: SHAME. Shame is the great inhibitor. It keeps individuals and organizations from becoming what they were meant to be. Wise leaders will learn all they can about shame.
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A few moments of denial can cause long term damage. But if you can manage those moments, you will save yourself much pain.
In Scot McKnight’s latest book, Invisible Jesus, he looks at the recent Deconstruction movement and helps people to navigate this journey.
The recent upheaval in Daystar Ministries has caused people to question how we hear the voice of God and the role of spiritual oversight. In this post I offer an alternative view to what is often too quickly accepted as truth.
I’ll be teaching over a two week period to students and pastors in Ecuador.
People are leaving the church and pastors wonder why. They are speaking the truth, right? It might have to do with the words they use and the tone in which they speak their words.
People often fail to forgive another person because they misunderstand the meaning of forgiveness. This post is part three of a three part series defining forgiveness.
People often fail to forgive another person because they misunderstand the meaning of forgiveness. This post is part two of a three part series defining forgiveness.
People often fail to forgive because they don’t understand what forgiveness is. This brief article defines forgiveness in simple terms.
If you are looking to find your purpose in life, it may not be in a career or even a ministry. The Bible gives us a good indication of our purpose by listening to an ancient prophet.
Too often the behavior of Christians doesn’t line up with their claim to be God’s child, earning the name: hypocrite. This post looks at the need to align your behavior with your identity as God’s child and follower of Jesus.
Abusive church leaders misuse Matthew 18 to silence victims. Learn why it may not apply to pastors and what you can do instead.
Where do you turn when life feels like it is spinning out of control? The Bible not only gives us the example of Jesus but also powerful verses to meditate on to find God’s peace.
When Jesus was arrested, his disciples reacted in fear. Maybe you can relate. Fear turns us into control freaks and robs us of our future.
When Jesus was arrested, his followers were gripped by fear. This post helps to better understand the effect that fear has on us and how to overcome it.
In this post I relate my experience traveling to Chile (Antofagasta and Calama) to encourage two churches in their efforts to serve the poor.
This is my second post with some of the questions and answers from when I was interviewed by Christy Boulware for her podcast. We looked at spiritual abuse and women in ministry.
I join Christy Boulware on her podcast to kick off her new series on “Resilience in the Pews: Tackling Anxiety and Church Wounds. In this post I answer a few of the questions that she posed to me about spiritual abuse.
In November of 2023, Anderson Cooper sat down with President Biden to talk about grief on Anderson’s “All There Is” podcast. Take time to face your grief and let God use it to change you into the person you are meant to be.
No one likes to be weak. And no one wants God to be weak. But sometimes God shows up in his weakness as well as ours. An Advent meditation.
Advent…the season when we reflect on God entering the world through a baby, reveals a side of God that we might not expect. How might the “weakness” of God encourage you this Christmas?
People can easily find themselves caught in the web of a spiritually abusive church. How does that happen? And how can you prevent that from happening again. This post offers some answers.
If you don’t like the way your life is turning out, maybe you need to write a better story for your life. In this brief post I offer four steps to writing a better life story.
Low self-worth can surprisingly make “enemies” of your friends. How is this possible? In this article I look at the problem with the help of Henri Nouwen and offer some practical advice.
Too often we measure our self-worth by how many “points” we are putting up on a scoreboard. But self-worth is a gift, not a game. In this post I draw on some wisdom from Henri Nouwen.
Rob Summers was a baseball phenom. But a hit and run driver changed his future. This post summarizes six key steps he took to recover from his tragedy.
This is the final post of a four part series on Post Traumatic Spiritual Growth. In this post I look at how churches can help people recover from trauma.
This is part three of an interview of me talking about trauma and Post Traumatic Spiritual Growth. In this post, I look at five attributes of Post Traumatic Spiritual Growth.
Many people fail to recognize the impact that trauma has had on them. This is part two of an interview with F. Remy Diederich about Post Traumatic Spiritual Growth and steps to recovery.
This is Part One of an interview with F. Remy Diederich from the Life Above mental health conference looking at trauma and post traumatic spiritual growth.
Henri Nouwen takes a radical look at both hospitality and forgiveness. If you have nothing, you are free to give and forgive everything. A reflection from his book, Show Me The Way.
Experiencing loss is like being sent into exile emotionally. The grief of loss can make you feel cut off from your life as you knew it. Here are five things you can do to return from your exile.