Personal Update: Heading to Ecuador
Personal Update: Heading to Ecuador
I rarely use this blog to mention what I’m up to. But I thought some of my readers might be interested in knowing what I do besides writing an occasional blog post.
My wife and I just landed in Quito, Ecuador on Wednesday and we’ll be here for two weeks, teaching in a variety of settings.
Acts29...the story continues
I'll be teaching for a week in another Acts29 discipleship school that our church denomination sponsors. It's a three month community living experience with daily teaching and opportunities to serve in churches on the weekends.
Why is it called Acts 29?
There are 28 chapters in the book of Acts in the Bible where it tells the initial story of the church. But the book comes to an abrupt end, with no conclusion, implying that the story continues. WE are living the 29th chapter.
So far, we've gone to schools in Mexico (2x), Spain, Chile, Argentina and will be going to another one in Chile in February. Click the link above to learn more about the school. Do you know someone who might be interested in the January - March school in Chile?
These schools are a great time to mix with about 20 young adults who are looking to grow their faith and live it out on a daily basis. I teach a class on leadership where I use Moses as my example of how God uses broken people to do his work.
The school has taken over a hostel in the city of Cayumbe near the volcano pictured above.
Retreats For Pastors
A bit to my surprise, I was asked to speak at two pastor retreats, before and after my week at Acts29. I think I'll be the main and only speaker. The first retreat is on Pastoral Ethics, the second retreat is asking that I teach on two of my books regarding how to heal from past hurts and how to find God's forgiveness. Then in the afternoon they want me to teach on creating a healthy church culture and managing church conflict.
Needless to say, this past month I've spent every day prepping for all of this teaching.
We are flying into Quito but we'll be in three other cities within an hour or three from there.
Asking for Prayer
The Apostle Paul asked people to pray for his ministry so I think that means it's pretty important. If you happen to think of me during your times of prayer, that would be excellent! I don't believe any true transformation happens from my teaching unless it has the touch of God on it as well as the people receiving it.
Thanks for taking a minute to see what we’re up to! If you want to know how the trip goes, email me and I’ll add you to my newsletter list. I only send it out a few times each year, before and after my ministry trips.
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