How to Write a Better Story for Your Life
How To Write A Better Story For Your Life
Have you every wondered why your life isn’t going the way you thought it would go or want it to go? Maybe it would help to think of yourself as the author of your life’s story.
Your Life As a Book
Think of your life as a book. If you read the story of your life, would it keep your interest? Would you put it down after a few chapters? Or would you read it all in one sitting?
If you don't like your story... you can change it! You've got more control over it than you think you do.
Great Stories Come From Great Choices
Great stories come from great choices. You have the power to make great choices every day.
Too many of us are passive about our story. We let everyone else write it for us and then we lament what's been done to us. If that’s true for you, take back your story.
The only people writing your story should be you, those you invite to write part of your story, and God.
How To Write A Better Story For Your Life
If you want to write a better story then consider these four steps:
1. Take Back the Pen.
Consider the "chapters" that have already been written in your "book". Who wrote those chapters? How much did you have to do with what was written? Have you turned your life over to "ghost" writers… that is, people who wanted to control your life? It might be a parent, or coach, a boss or romantic partner. Maybe even abusive people who forced their way into your life.
Your story is being written every day. Make sure that YOU control it as much as possible. (There are life events beyond your control (tornadoes, cancer, etc.) This might require you learning how to set boundaries in your life from people who shouldn’t be there. I have many articles online on how to set boundaries. But the point here is to actively take back the pen from people who have been writing an “unauthorized version” of your life.
2. Give the pen to a select few.
You only want trustworthy people writing your story. Those who love and respect you… people who will add value to your story. These people are out there. Maybe you just haven't met them yet. Go find them. But you have to look in the right places. Where do wise and loving people go? You might need to find a new community of people to associate with.
3. Make God a part of your story.
God wants to be a part of your story. He's been waiting for you to ask him into your story. God writes great stories! You were created by God with a plan for your life. Doesn’t it make sense to connect with him as you write your story? The Bible has a few examples that you might want to read about.
4. embrace conflict.
Great stories are often about people who face a challenge and overcome it, not run away from it. But sadly, that’s exactly what many people do…run from conflict.
Look back at your life. How much of it had to do with avoiding conflict? When things got difficult, you quit.
The next time you encounter conflict or fail at something, let that be just one chapter. Chapter two can be about how you embraced the conflict…faced it head on. Chapter three can be about what you learned from it. And chapter four can be on how you applied your new wisdom to live a better life.
Conflict can lead to greater insight and determination to succeed the next time. Great stories are about overcoming conflict not being overcome by it.
Write A Better Story for Your Life.
You can have a better story. What if you started writing
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