Henri Nouwen takes a radical look at both hospitality and forgiveness. If you have nothing, you are free to give and forgive everything. A reflection from his book, Show Me The Way.
Read MoreThere are two kinds of guilt: one that leads you to God and one that leads you away. Henri Nouwen takes a look at a guilt that leads you away from God. A reflection on his book, Show Me The Way.
Read MoreDiscover powerful insights on overcoming temptation from the story of Jesus' victory in Matthew 4. Learn how to find strength through God's word and resist temptations in your weakest moments.
Read MoreMany people suffer from spiritual abuse in toxic churches. But they often struggle to leave. Why is that? Here are ten reasons why people fail to leave a toxic church.
Read MoreSpiritually toxic leaders often weaponize the accusation of gossip to shut down complaints. But what does the Bible say about gossip? Accusing someone of gossip is often a tactic of spiritual abuse.
Read MoreExperiencing loss is like being sent into exile emotionally. The grief of loss can make you feel cut off from your life as you knew it. Here are five things you can do to return from your exile.
Read MoreWhen God brought people out of a time of trouble and suffering, he often gave them a double blessing. Are you able to let God bless you?
Read MoreWhen you experience a setback, it’s easy to take on a negative identity. But if you want to make a comeback, it’s important to take on a new identity, one that’s defined by God.
Read MoreWhen you experience a setback, it’s easy to let your shame keep you from making a comeback. If you want to recover from your setback it’s important to face your shame.
Read MoreWho are you, really? We put a lot of energy in presenting our best self, but is that really helping us? If you are stuck in a failure or setback, the first step to recovery is to admit who you really are, warts and all.
Read MoreWhen everything has been stripped from your life and you stand alone and “naked” what do you do? Where do you find your worth? What can you learn about yourself? Facing your nakedness can be a turning point for you.
Read MoreOswald Chambers spoke of a “discipline of darkness.” This means that God teaches us things during dark times that we will never learn in the light. What might God be teaching you during your season of loss or hardship?
Read MoreGod allows hard times to come our way and uses them to shape and develop us. We can fight it or yield to what God is doing within us. He wants to help us to exchange our pride for humility.
Read MoreWhen you’ve experienced a setback (exile) it’s natural to experience isolation and loneliness. But God never abandons us. He sends us companions to comfort us.
Read MoreWhen you experience a loss or setback, it’s easy to go into denial rather than face the painful emotions of anger, fear, and sadness.
Read MoreWe all have setbacks in life. For some of us, we get stuck in these setbacks, what I call “exile.” This post begins a 40 day journey to help you move from setback to comeback in your life. Join me.
Read MoreThere is an inverse connection between shame and Sabbath, or the ability to rest. Shame causes us to strive for acceptance and never enter the rest that God has for us. But when you stop to rest, you might hear God’s voice of love.
Read MoreShame is a painful emotion. As a result, we resort to a variety of coping mechanisms to cover the pain. But is it worth the trouble?
Read MoreIn this final Advent reflection on the weakness of God I look at thoughts from Henri Nouwen on self-worth.
Read MoreJesus wasn’t ashamed of being associated with weakness. He’s not ashamed of being associated with you either.
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