Overcoming Temptation: Learning from Jesus' Triumph in Matthew 4
Learning from Jesus’ triumph in Matthew 4
Temptation is a daily occurrence for everyone. Self-control is an issue. We often fail in the areas most important to us. But Jesus showed us a way to overcome temptation.
I want to look briefly at the story of Jesus' triumph over temptation in Matthew 4 in the Bible, drawing invaluable lessons for us today. This is when Jesus fasted for forty days and was then tempted by the devil.
Whether you believe in the devil or not, you can still learn a number of lessons about overcoming temptation from this encounter. You might simply view the devil as temptation personified. The Bible tells us...
After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Matthew 4:2,3
Lesson One: Temptation comes at your weakest moment
The devil didn’t come to Jesus on the third day of the fast...or the tenth or twentieth. He came on the fortieth day...just before his fast was over and when he was at his weakest. And what was offered was what was most desired at the moment. The weaker we are, the greater the temptation. We need to be aware of this and plan for it.
A church leadership expert asked me once what day of the week I took off and I said Friday. Then he said, “Good. That’s what I recommend.” And I’m like, You recommend a certain day of the week. Why? And he said, “Most pastors take Monday off. But a higher percentage of pastors who take Monday off wind up in moral failure than pastors who take Friday off.”
That surprised me. Why is that? If you think of it, it makes sense. Monday is a bad day to take off for a few reasons. Pastors are tired after working all week and preaching on Sunday. Many feel bad because their sermon bombed. They’ve got a long list of people to see and problems to solve in the week ahead. The devil comes to them in their weakness and says, “I can make this all go away. I can make you happy” and some of them take the bait. Temptation comes at your weakest moment.
Lesson Two: God’s Word provides strength in our weakness.
When you are weak, you need strength. What did Jesus do to overcome temptation when he was weak? He leaned on God’s word. Jesus answered his three temptations by quoting scripture each time.
Lesson Three: God’s Word exposes lies and half-truths.
The devil offered Jesus some enticing things to make his life easier. But those things weren't as good as he was led to believe. Jesus was able to see through Satan’s false claims with God’s word.
Lesson Four: God’s Word reminds us of God’s Will.
Sometimes it’s easy to lose perspective, especially when we are tired or stressed. When we read or recall God’s Word in the Bible, we are reminded of what’s important to God and why. Jesus was on a mission. If he would have listened to the devil that mission would have been lost. God’s word gave him perspective on his temptations to help him resist.
Lesson Five: When you resist temptation, the devil leaves.
Jesus confronted the devil with God’s word after each temptation. The devil had no comeback to God's word.
The story ends with Satan leaving Jesus alone.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7
Passing the Test of Temptation
Jesus passed the test. My point here is to show you that you can pass the test too. You aren't at the mercies of the temptations that hit you every day.
God will give you strength, through his Spirit, and through his word. If Jesus relied on God’s word for strength wouldn't it be wise for you to do the same?
Question;What scripture gives you strength in overcoming temptation?
Another Resource on Temptation
I recently spoke in church about self-control and fighting temptation. It wasn’t a look at the devil’s role as much as I looked at some recent research about natural roadblocks to self-control. You can watch it here.
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