Chris Herren: How to Climb Up From Rock Bottom
Chris Herren: How to Rise Up From Rock Bottom
Chris Herren…Fourteen years at rock bottom
You've heard it said that you need to hit rock bottom before you seek a change. In a past article, Chris Herren, former NBA player, said that he had lots of "rock bottom" moments with his addiction. In fact, he had 14 years of "rock bottom" before he finally made a change. A recent article fills in more of the backstory.
I like these articles because they model some important steps in the change process.
How to Climb Up From Rock Bottom:
Admit you are at rock bottom.
Rock bottom is when you finally see that the cost isn't worth the benefits. Up to that point you can always say "just one more time" or "just one more day" because you always perceive a payoff. You think you are still in control. But at rock bottom there is no longer a payoff. You’ve lost all control. The hardest thing to do, but the beginning of recovery, is when you admit you are at the bottom. Chris Herren stayed at that place for 14 years before he finally made the move to change.
HavE a solid friend's support.
As you approach rock bottom, many people give up on you because they think that YOU’VE given up on you. Finding yourself all alone is part of the “rock bottom” reality. When there is no one to turn to it’s easy to give up on yourself. But in Chris’s case, he had a friend step up and give him the gift of treatment.
Seek Effective INTENSIVE treatment.
I’ve had too many people tell me that their condition isn’t that bad. They don’t need treatment. They can get what they need online. Really? Nothing dramatic or dynamic takes place casually. You don't do great things in your spare time. Great things happen when you turn your focus and energy toward a specific purpose. If you want to rise from the bottom, it has to be a consuming passion. Chris realized that recovery for him wasn’t a 10 day program, more like 10 months.
have A sense of purpose and giving back.
When life is just about you, it lacks something. Deep down you know that you aren't the center of the universe. But when you can put your energy into helping others, you gain purpose and a sense of meaning. You realize that you are making a contribution (finally!) and it feels good. It's what makes you want to get up in the morning. Chris started a treatment center and a foundation to help pay for long term care that most people can’t afford. He travels the country challenging students to live a better life.
reframe your life
When you’ve hit rock-bottom, it’s easy to define yourself in those terms. That’s who you are. Why try to be different? But Herren doesn't play the victim or dwell on the past. He uses his past failure to inspire him to live a new life. His past is a constant reminder of who he can be if he’s not intentional about his life.
God and Your Turnaround
I haven’t read if faith is a part of Chris’s life. But I would add that turning to God for his forgiveness, courage, and healing are key to any turnaround. Can you do it without God? You might be able to do it without acknowledging God, but I believe that any turnaround is only possible with God’s help, recognized or not.
Learn More About Chris Herren’s Work
If you are at rock-bottom, headed there, or know someone who is, I hope Chris inspires you to change. You can watch the ESPN documentary on his life or the film he created called The First Day. Learn about his treatment program and foundation here.
Question: If you’ve hit rock-bottom, how did it help set you on a road to recovery?
Check out my book, Healing the Hurts of Your Past, to learn more about how God can help you climb up from rock bottom.
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