Whitney Houston and Her Haunting Questions
Whitney Houston
…and her haunting questions
Whitney Houston and Her Haunting Questions…
Are You Good Enough?
Kevin Costner spoke at the funeral of Whitney Houston. He spoke of Whitney's faith and her self-doubt. He said that after her screen test for "Bodyguard" she was so filled with doubt. She wondered,
Am I good enough?
Am I pretty enough?
Will they like me?
Aren't those the questions that haunt all of us to some degree if we are honest? We all live with a bar of expectation that hangs over us. If we aren't careful those questions can evolve into lies that condemn us saying; I need to reach that bar to be accepted. If I don't reach it then I'm worthless.
Whitney Houston Had Worth Beyond Her Performance
It's sad to me that even people of faith, like Whitney Houston, struggle with these lies. We have a Savior who communicated our infinite value by dying for us. It's not our performance that gives us value but the stamp of God on our lives. If only Whitney could have fully believed this. In my book, Healing the Hurts of Your Past I wrote...
Since God created you, you are valuable by nature. It doesn’t matter what you have done or what you have neglected to do. Your performance has nothing to do with your inherent worth. Your worth comes solely from who created you and that is God. It is impossible for God to create anything that is not of great value.
By God’s Grace You Are Good Enough
Costner ended his message by imagining Whitney Houston in heaven singing before God. He said, Don't worry. You'll be good enough. I hope what he meant was that she'd be found good enough...not because of her talent but because of God's grace.
It's that truth that gives us peace in this life and the one to come.
Question: What are the questions that haunt you?
Related Post: Whitney Houston, Judy Garland and Our Broken Culture
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