Are You Worthless or Just Flawed? by F. Remy Diederich
Are Your Worthless or Just Flawed?
Do you feel worthless? In my book, Healing the Hurts of Your Past, I talk about the pain of shame. Shame is the feeling that comes over a person who feels worthless. It can cripple you.
The Lie: I’m Worthless
Shame is rooted in the lies you believe about yourself. A lie that many believe is that they are worthless. They see a flaw, an imperfection, or defect in themselves and take the flying leap of logic that: if they are flawed they have no value. It often causes them to give up. That’s a huge mistake.
The truth is: we are all flawed. No one is perfect. We all wrestle with something. Knowing this doesn’t fix your flaws but it helps defeat another lie: that YOU are the only one with a problem, which leads to another lie: YOU don’t fit in. Everyone else has their act together. YOU are a misfit.
But when you understand that everyone is flawed… not just you… it helps. We share a common problem.
Flawed, yes. Worthless, no.
We are all flawed, it's just not so obvious because many people are very good at covering up their flaws. But don't be fooled. You are not alone.
The Bible tells us that something happened to us all. We lost something. Something’s missing. It’s been that way from the beginning of time. But there's no need to beat yourself up, or other people, about it. God has provided a solution. He wants you to see that your value doesn't come from what you do but from who you are: God's creation. You came from the breath of God and so you are inherently valuable.
A Community of Brokenness
Rather than run from our flaws or try to hide them, the best thing we can do is admit that we are flawed, all of us. Once we can admit this then we can come together to support each other, asking for God's help. We create a community of brokenness that is on the mend. This is what the Bible calls the church.
I want to encourage you today: don’t let your shame cause you to go into hiding. Face the truth. Admit your flaws to God and others. Most importantly...invite God to speak the truth of his unconditional love into your life. He accepts you in spite of what you've done. Don't let your past define who you are or who you will be. Let God's truth melt the lies of shame and allow you to take back your life.
To learn more shame and how God can heal it, check out Healing the Hurts of Your Past .
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