Deep Hurt, Deep Healing: You Are Perfect In Christ
Deep Hurt, Deep Healing
You are perfect in Christ
This is the last post in this series on Deep Hurt, Deep Healing. In parts one and two I looked to the Bible to find the source of shame and the impact it has on us. In part three I started to look at how God wants to give us a new identity. I continue that discussion today by looking at how God has made us perfect in Christ.
To Find Deep Healing Accept Your New Identity
The third thing we need to receive from God is his righteousness. To be righteous before God means that he sees you as perfect…blameless. This isn’t something you can earn by good behavior. This is something Jesus earned by his behavior . Thankfully he shared his reward with us. It’s imparted to you. It’s granted as a gift. That’s why Paul could say:
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, SO THAT...IN HIM...we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 3:21
Putting your faith in Jesus makes you righteous in God’s eyes. You take on his nature.
It’s hard for people to believe that God sees them as perfect. So, let me give you a little example. Consider a one dollar bill. The government imparts the value of one dollar to a piece of paper and ink, and we all recognize and honor its value.
But what would happen if fire destroyed the dollar? What value would the ashes have? Most of us would say nothing. But we’d be wrong in our assessment. The ashes would still be worth a dollar. Says who? Says the United States Government. I’ll prove it to you. This is off the website for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing:
The BEP (The Bureau of Engraving and Printing) redeems mutilated currency as a free public service. Currency can become mutilated in any number of ways. The most common causes are: fire, water, chemicals, and explosives; animal, insect, or rodent damage; and petrification or deterioration by burying.
The Creator Determines the Value
So here’s my point: It doesn’t matter what you and I think about the value of the ashes. And it doesn’t matter what caused their ruin. The only thing that matters is what the government thinks. The government created the money, so the government determines its value, not you or me.
In the same way, it doesn’t matter what you think about yourself or what others think of you. And it doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you. The only thing that matters is what God says, because he created you. God says you are valuable. He says you are perfect in his sight. That’s your true identity. And no one can take that away from you...unless you let them.
To Find Deep Healing Receive God’s Spirit
Finally, if you want to find deep healing, it’s important to receive the presence of Jesus in your life. Jesus gives us his Spirit to do what we could never do on our own. Paul puts it in personal terms:
My old self has been crucified with Christ.
Paul means that the insecure, shame filled person who feels worthless and lives in regret… THAT person died on the cross with Jesus. That person no longer controls his life. He continues:
It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. Galatians 2:20
Paul found a new identity and a different source of power to live his life. He relied on God’s Spirit to fill him and enable him to live a new life. In another letter Paul wrote:
Christ in you, the hope of glory! Colossians 1:27
There it is. The hope of glory returning. The glory that was lost in Eden is recovered in Christ. Or again:
We are being transformed into God's image with ever intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18
God is on a mission to restore his glory in us so we can be people who fully reflect his glory. When we can grasp who we are and what God has called us to, it will change everything about our lives.
Deep Healing Takes Time
Now this is just a brief overview of what hurts us and what offers us healing. Deep Healing doesn’t come from reading a blog post or even an entire series. It comes from being willing to remove the fig leaf, face your nakedness, and then receive all that God has for you. This takes time and it takes commitment on your part.
There are many things that block us from God’s healing. The healing process is about removing those obstacles so God can do his work.
Let me close by giving you five resources to consider:
Books. It helps to understand what hurt you so you can find healing. There are many books that deal with shame. I’ve written one as well, called “Healing the Hurts of Your Past.” This blog series is a taste of the book. You might find my other books helpful too, especially, “Starting Over,” and “Return from Exile.” See the home page to review these books.
Transformation Prayer Ministry. This is just one form of inner healing ministry that has been developed through the years to provide deep healing. Google it to learn more. My wife offers this prayer ministry. Email me and I can put you in touch with her.
Counseling. Find a safe person with whom you can share your hurt without judgment and is licensed to offer counseling.
Journaling. This has been proven to have a powerful healing effect as you get on paper what's in your head.
Healing Community. Don’t underestimate the value of a healing community. God works through other people who are willing to be honest about their own need for healing.
I hope this series has been helpful. If so, please let me know and share it with your friends.
Prayer: Father, thank you that you understand our hurt and want to heal it. Help us to hold still and let you do your work in us. Help us to have the courage to remove the fig leaves, whatever it is we’ve been using to hide our shame, and allow you to restore your glory to our lives. Amen.
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