God's Forgiveness Makes You Perfect in His Eyes
God’s Forgiveness
makes you perfect in His eyes.
God’s forgiveness makes you perfect in his eyes. Can you believe that? This post is adapted from my book, Starting Over… finding God’s forgiveness when you find it hard to forgive yourself. I’m quoting from Day Eight of the devotional where I look at the benefits of forgiveness.
Forgiveness Makes you Perfect in the Eyes of God
Perfect in the eyes of God. That might sound too good to be true. I had it explained to me like this. Imagine that you and Jesus are sitting side by side and Jesus asks Father God: Which one of us is more perfect in your sight? What would the Father say? He’d say, “You are both perfect in my sight.”
When I first heard this, it sounded wrong… even blasphemous. How could I be equally perfect in God’s sight as Jesus? But that’s what Jesus’ death did for you and me. The Bible tells us:
By one sacrifice God has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:14 (emphasis is mine)
This verse is about you. Jesus’ death made you perfect in the eyes of God, not for a moment, but forever. It tells you that Jesus’ death cleaned your slate.
God’s Forgiveness is Perfect
When my kids were little and they started washing dishes, I’d often have to go back and rewash them because they missed some spots. Our forgiveness is a lot like that. It’s spotty. It’s not often complete. But God’s forgiveness is perfect. He cleanses every sin completely.
The word “perfect” means “to be full, complete, lacking nothing.” As a result, you stand before God completely blameless.
Forgiveness is Forever
When is the last time someone looked at you as completely blameless? Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone look at you without remembering all of your mistakes, all of your sin, and all of your failure and past history? That’s how God looks at you.
But the really good news is that this cleansing isn’t a temporary state. It doesn’t have a thirty-day shelf life. This cleansing lasts…forever. That means you can breathe deep. Relax. Quit looking over your shoulder. Your struggle is over. You’ve been restored to God and he is now in the process of making you “holy,” that is, set apart for his purposes. From Day Eight of Starting Over: Perfect in God’s Eyes.
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Related Post: Forgiven by God: How guilt can block God’s forgiveness