Free Sermon Series for Lent for Pastors
Free Sermon Series For Lent
“God makes his greatest investment in our lowest moments.”
I want to give you a gift to pass on to your pastor. It’s a free sermon series for the season of Lent.
Lent is the season that leads up to Easter. It's the time we reflect on the suffering and resurrection of Jesus. But it's also the time we ought to reflect on how our suffering can lead to resurrection as well.
Resurrection isn't limited to the next life. It's for this life too. God wants to resurrect us from our seasons of suffering.
Help People Overcome Their Losses
This free sermon series is called: Return from Exile: How to overcome loss, failure and personal setbacks (or whatever your pastor chooses to call it). I’ve preached these sermons in my church and they formed the basis for by book, “Out of Exile,” which was followed by my latest book: “Return from Exile.”
One person reviewed the book by saying:
I can’t express how helpful this book has been…! Remy’s personal experience along with his humility and spiritual wisdom are arranged in a perfect guide for coming out of any kind of loss that just shakes your world. (Read all the reviews on
Exile is a metaphor for a devastating loss.
The goal of the series is to help people reframe their losses as something positive. I use the metaphor of exile to talk about the various losses we experience in life that leave us feeling disoriented and disillusioned.
The Bible is full of stories about exile and how God used them for good in the lives of his people. If you are open to it, God can use your losses to transform your life. As one person said about the book: I learned that God makes his greatest investment in our lowest moments.
Download the Free Sermon Series
Download the free sermon series here. (email me if you want a Word document).
Contact me if you have any questions. Otherwise, download the free sermon series and you are good to go. Or maybe just send the link for this post to your pastor. I hope this series encourages your church.
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