Reframe Your Losses: No More Regrets
Reframe Your Losses
No more regrets
Reframing Your Losses… When bad things happen, your regrets can devastate you. Paralyze you. To get your life back, you have to come up with a new way to think.
Regrets have to do with the poor choices you've made as well as the offenses done against you. In both cases, the temptation is to believe that the losses you incurred are insurmountable: you are forever damaged and disqualified from the life you assumed you'd have.
Reframe Your Losses
The key to moving on is to see what you've gained instead of what you've lost. WHAT? Gained something? IMPOSSIBLE!
Think of it this way: if you were going to see a counselor, would you want to see someone who has experienced your loss or not? Mostly likely, someone who has experienced it.
That means the counselor has something the others don’t have: more wisdom, more insight, more depth and breadth of understanding of life.
If that's true of them, it's true of you too. Your loss, whether done to you or by you, caused you to gain something. It's a "gift." It gave you a greater understanding of life. Something you didn't have before.
No More Regrets
If you tap into that gain, instead of obsessing about the loss, you can use it to your advantage and resume moving forward in life with no regrets.
Reframing your losses will help you get your life back.
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