Finding Your Significance in God's Love
Finding Your Significance In God’s Love
“God doesn’t love you because you were important. You’re important because God loves you. ”
In my last post I looked at the fear of insignificance. I quoted the Bible verse that tells us how God's perfect love drives out fear and gives us significance. I want to add more to that thought today.
God Chooses Us To Be His Children
Another verse from the Bible that helps me to understand the unconditional nature of God's love is this:
God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world …he predestined us to be adopted as his children…Ephesians 1:4,5
I love this verse because it tells me that God didn’t choose me based on my performance. He chose me before I had a chance to do good or bad…before the creation of the world.
A Parent’s Love For Their Child
If you are a parent, you can appreciate this. Think about it: when did you first love your child? Did you wait to see how they looked? Did you wait to see if they did their homework or mowed the lawn? I mean, if you wait until your kids live up to your expectations before you love them…you may never love them!
No, you loved them before they had a chance to perform, right? You loved them just because they came from your own body. You didn’t love them because of their great significance. They were significant to your just because they were yours.
In other words…their significance didn’t come from WHO they were (great performers) but WHOSE they were (yours). That’s what God is saying in the verse above. God didn’t choose you based on your qualifications, or resume, or spirituality, or looks, or family. He chose you unconditionally…simply because he loves you. God doesn't love you because you were important. You’re important because God loves you.
Adopted by God
Look at this verse again. The word “adopted” is a great metaphor. I’m told that when you seek to adopt you can tell the agency some general characteristics that you are willing to accept. For example, you can ask for a certain age or race or level of disabilities.
Or you can say, “I’ll take any child you give me.” You accept them without condition. That’s what God did with us. It’s like God said, You don’t have to show me their file. I don’t care about what they have or haven’t done; history, blood lines, challenges. I accept them and love them just the way they are.
God’s Love Makes You Significant
Whatever it is you fear, no matter how insignificant you feel, God loves you and he’s with you. This seems so simple to me but it’s fundamental to overcoming your fear. You have to know this and be convinced of God’s love.
Your significance doesn’t come from impressing people with your Italian jeans or your new car. Your significance comes from being loved by God. You don’t have to do anything to achieve it. You simply need to rest in that awareness.
Saturate yourself in the knowledge of God’s love and let it push out every drop of fear from your heart.
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