Overcoming The Pain of Your Past
Overcoming the Pain of Your Past
Do you wonder if you can ever get beyond the pain of your past?
“You don’t have to stay stuck. God is present right now to help you move to a better place. ”
People don't always give themselves much credit. They see dysfunction in their life and assume it's for life: they are deficient by nature and will never get any better.
There are haves and have nots in the world and they conclude that they are one of the have nots.
Connecting the Dots
Does that describe you? Then you suffer from shame. We all have it to some degree. But if you look deeper...if you connect the dots in your past...you'll see that you aren't "just messed up". There is a theme. There is cause and effect. And once you see that then you won't feel like such a misfit. It breeds hope.
The Lies of Shame
Shame has to do with the lies you believe about yourself. One lie you might believe is that if something is wrong inside...you are ALL wrong.
Another lie is that if something is wrong, it can't be fixed.
Neither are true. Don't give up on yourself so easily. You can break the pain of shame and the pattern of your past. You can reverse the trend.
Steps to Overcome Your Shame
Your pain is an effect that was caused by something. So address the cause and get your life back. There are three steps to this process.
Believe it's possible. Studies show that people are shut out from change simply by not believing it's possible. When there is no hope for change you don't bother to try. If you have no hope in yourself then at least put hope in God to work a change.
Get a plan. If you are passive about changing your life nothing will happen. I lost ten pounds when I came up with a plan to watch my calories and exercise. But the plan came first.
Take action. Once you have a plan then activate it. Step by step. Block by block. (In my case, pound by pound). It doesn't happen over night. But you'll get there as long as you are moving forward, and the sooner you start the sooner you arrive.
We All Have Issues
My point is...give yourself some credit. You have issues. Sure. We all do. But there is something you can do about your past. You don't have to stay stuck. God is present right now to help you move to a better place.
If you've been able to make a change it your life, what set it in motion?
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